Freight2020 users from all over Australia and New Zealand are invited to attend VISION, the Freight2020 users’ group conference at Rydges Melbourne on Wednesday 22 March 2017. Each and every day in Australia and New Zealand there are hundreds of transport industry professionals using Freight2020 to manage operations, fleet, warehousing, HR, financials, and compliance, while…
Users of the Freight2020 Online Customer Portal can have their customer login screen and system pages fully branded and customised to match their company website for a seamless customer experience. While many Australian transport and logistics companies using the Freight2020 transport management system have already adopted the Freight2020 Online Customer…
In a world-first announcement, CMS Transport Systems launched its new 24/7 Freight2020 MDBA (managed database administration) service at the Progress Exchange technology conference for the Asia Pacific region held at Hilton Sydney, Australia, on Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 July 2016. Any transport company using a sophisticated ERP system like…
It was no joke when an Adelaide-based interstate bulk petroleum carrier was fined $93,000 and ordered to pay more than $374,000 in back-pay to 10 “underpaid” truck drivers, according to a report on the Industrial Relations Court of South Australia’s decision in the ATA’s online news magazine, Fully Loaded, on 5 July…